Unlocking Possibilities

LEVEA's eHealth Terminal Software Solution

LEVEA offers an eHealth platform designed for healthcare professionals, using AI to improve diagnostics and streamline patient management. It automates processes, conserves resources, and securely stores patient records, making healthcare delivery more efficient.

  • Streamlines diagnostics through automation
  • Triage System
  • Secure patient documentation and electronic health records
  • Fast, efficient and cost-effective patient throughput
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Learn About the Patient's Journey

Health Bot

We're determined to transform the healthcare experience into a seamless journey. Our solution simplifies and accelerates the patient's journey process, ensuring they receive effective and efficient care while reducing the workload for healthcare staff.

Symptom Reporting

Immediate symptom reporting mechanisms ensure heightened health awareness, encouraging proactive healthcare engagement and timely interventions.


The software’s efficient triage system accelerates and refines the diagnostic process, optimising case prioritisation and ensuring critical cases receive immediate attention.

Medical History

The electronic patient record system provides a consolidated view of a patient’s history, ensuring treatments are informed and consistent.

Patient Empowerment

The decentralised health data system ensures data autonomy, promoting trust and an empowered approach to personal healthcare management.

mockuo of a tablet showing the healthbot
More About the Dashboard

Electronic Medical Record

We want to redefine healthcare by making it a seamless and efficient journey for patients and healthcare professionals. The LEVEA Doctor Dashboard is an electronic medical record (EMR) with a clinical decision support system (CDSS) that uses a generative AI bot to encourage proactive engagement from doctors and patients.

mockup of a tablet showing the treatment tab

Symptom Reporting

The dashboard ensures immediate awareness of patients’ conditions through real-time alerts and a triage system. This feature highlights urgent cases and encourages proactive engagement from doctors and patients, ensuring timely intervention and care.

Comprehensive Patient Profiles

Each profile includes vital signs, current conditions, and a summary of symptoms, allowing for quick assessment and prioritisation. This accelerates the diagnostic process, ensuring critical cases receive immediate attention.

Medical History

Our Patient Record organises provides doctors with a consolidated view of the patient’s personal, demographic, clinical data, treatment plans, and more. This ensures that treatments are informed and consistent over time, contributing to better patient outcomes.

Team visiting medical lab in Domiz 2
Patient using LEVEA in Domiz 1
Patient using LEVEA in Domiz 1
Frequently Asked Questions

How Can We Help?

Here, we address common queries to provide you with quick and informative answers. If you need further information or have more questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Get in Touch

What are the benefits of using LEVEA's solution?

LEVEA relieves medical teams in refugee camps by simplifying their workload, allowing them to concentrate on providing patient care. The platform offers preliminary medical assessments. With a streamlined triage protocol, helping medical teams to assess and prioritise patients quickly, patients are more inclined to receive prompt assistance when required. It also provides a secure and accessible management of electronic patient records, making it easier to share their information with different doctors and therefore enhancing the continuity of care.

Can LEVEA be used as a substitute for in-person medical consultations?

LEVEA is designed to support and enhance healthcare services and to provide a supportive diagnostic tool for trained medical staff. While it offers automated diagnosis and treatment plans, it is not intended to replace in-person medical consultations. Users are encouraged to seek professional medical advice for a comprehensive assessment and personalised treatment.

How is user data protected in LEVEA?

User data protection is crucial, and we implemented various security measures. Data is encrypted during transmission and storage, making it unreadable to unauthorised parties. Access to user data is strictly controlled through role-based access control, allowing only authorised personnel to handle sensitive information. Regular security audits and updates are conducted to identify and address any vulnerabilities in the system.

What is LEVEA's DAO Framework and How Does it Impact Healthcare Delivery?

LEVEA's DAO framework captures insights from all stakeholders and fostering a proactive community. Patients gain autonomy over their health data and become central decision-makers while also being rewarded for their trust and involvement through a token-based model. This aligns with global trends in data privacy and individual agency in healthcare, creating a more engaged and proactive healthcare community.